
Factors contributing to the development of skin cancer include:
- exposure to natural and artificial ultraviolet radiation (sunlight and solariums)
- genetic predisposition (occurrence of melanoma in first and second degree relatives)
- large number of pigmented (melanocytic) nevi and large congenital pigmented nevi
- light complexion, light-coloured hair and eyes, presence of freckles, easy sunburn
- age - the risk of developing the disease increases with age
- previous history of another skin cancer

The incidence of cutaneous melanoma increases after the age of 20, with the highest incidence in both sexes between the ages of 50 and 64 (more than one third of cases). The risk of skin melanoma increases with age, reaching its maximum in the eighth decade of life.

The Problem

Melanoma is an aggressive skin cancer that develops in melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin, the pigment mainly responsible for skin colour. It can be a lesion that has developed on skin that did not previously have a pigmented mole (also known as a moles) or it can be an alteration of an existing mole.

The probability of survival of a person depends on the moment of detection of melanoma, hence prevention plays a key role. Melanoma in situ (non-invasive lesion - stage 0) is characterised by a 100% chance of cure, whereas patients in stage IV have only a 53% (M1b - distant metastases in the lungs) and 32% (M1c - metastases in other visceral organs) chance of survival, hence the importance of prophylactic examinations of skin nevi for neoplastic lesions.

Early diagnosis - preventive screening

N he most important measure for an early diagnosis of melanoma is observation of the skin and skin lesions and preventive examinations. If melanoma is detected early, i.e. before it has grown deeper into the skin than 1 mm, it can usually be cured with a simple surgical procedure by excision of the lesion with an adequate margin.

Late diagnosis increases the risk that the tumour has grown deep into the skin, reaching the blood vessels, by which it will spread throughout the body within a few months and form tumours in different parts of the body. Every additional millimetre into the skin means a smaller chance of being cured.


The device is the result of collaboration between Skopia Estetic Clinic Sp. z o.o. and the Technical University of Lodz. It was created as a result of the project entitled "Development of a device to support early diagnosis of skin nevi, including melanoma, using methods of computer vision, spatial modelling, comparative analysis and classification". The project was co-financed by EU funds and is implemented under Sub-measure 4.1.4 Application projects, of the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014 - 2020, carried out in accordance with grant agreement no POIR.04.01.04-00-0125/18-00.

The Device

The designed Dermo Studio device consists of a rotating platform connected to a fixed element, on which digital cameras (5 pcs), depth detectors (3 pcs) and lighting are vertically mounted. During the examination the patient stands on the platform, which moves around its axis by about 360 degrees. During the rotation of the platform pictures of the patient's body (skin) are taken.


These photos are then analysed by software which, based on image analysis, marks the moles. The key to prophylactic cancer screening is a series of body photos taken several months or more apart. During one series we obtain one set of body photos, to which a set of body photos from another series is compared.


The purpose of using Dermo Studio is to compare two images of the same lesion, taken at least several months apart, and to identify those lesions whose size has changed over time. Nevi that have increased in size require a specialist dermatological examination, during which the specialist assesses whether the suspect nevus requires treatment.


The purpose of examinations with the Dermo Studio device is a preventive examination which does not replace specialist / dermatological examinations. In case of any doubts it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Nevi with cancerous features detected at an early stage are usually completely curable. Treatment is often achieved by excision of the suspicious nevus, hence the importance of prevention.

General information


deep neural networks for image analysis


patient does not change position during examination; built-in 3D scanners


automatic taking of pictures of the whole human body


takes less than 3 minutes to take pictures of a patient's whole body

  • Automatic marking of nevi - body mapping

  • Preventive skin examination for suspicious lesions

  • Automatic comparison of nevi from 2 different tests

  • Identification of suspicious nevi that require consultation with a dermatologist

  • Built-in lighting system provides optimum conditions

Technical specifications

  • 13Mpx camera resolution

  • 1 image resolution 4208x3120 pixels

  • 3 depth detectors

  • 40 body images taken during 2 examinations

  • AI algorithms used for neural analysis (deep neural networks)

  • Folding device, easy to transport

  • Size of assembled unit less than 1 m x 0.6 m x 1.98 m


The device is prepared for the needs of medical and specialised entities:


  • Medical industry
  • specialist dermatology clinics, hospitals, oncology clinics, medical centres


  • Cosmetology sector
  • beauty salons, aesthetic medicine centres

Contact form

If you have any questions, concerns or would like to find out more about the product, you can contact us using the addresses and telephone numbers below or via the form below.

    I consent to the processing of my personal data by Skopia Estetic Clinic Sp. z o.o. based in Krakow (ul. Josepha Conrada 79, 31-357 Krakow) in accordance with the Act of 29.08.97r. on the Protection of Personal Data, (Journal of Laws 2014, item 1182) in order to obtain a response to my enquiry.



    79 Josepha Conrada Street
    31-357 Kraków


    +48 12 300 48 28


    NEP: 6772373939
    Regon: 122803240
    KRS: 0000452995

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